C12 Group | Decision MakingLeadershipWorkplace Evangelism

As business owners and corporate leaders, we face continual decision-making dilemmas. We often consider the momentous decisions to be our purview and while that’s true, it is likely the mundane, seemingly inconsequential decisions that will most define our leadership. Our everyday decisions are more readily visible to our employees who are observing our leadership up close. In reality, all decisions have consequences, and the foundation for making difficult decisions is our handling of minor, non-urgent issues.

Whether making big decisions or small, God calls us to vigilance (keeping careful watch), prudence (showing care and thought for the future), and wisdom (practicing good judgment based on experience and knowledge). Here are six ways to ensure you make the best decisions based on Biblical principles.


Substantiate the Facts (I Kings 3:16-28)

Gather all the information at your disposal. There are always more sides to the story than initially presented. Question and interview as many involved in the situation as possible. Don’t take the first answer as the only answer. Be sure to uncover the history behind the issue, not just the issue itself. This is the most time-intensive portion of the process.


Dig for the Truth (Colossians 2:3)

Take time to think through the information that has been gathered. Ask hard questions. Seek to understand the political environment, as well as the interpersonal dynamics involved. Look for the “issue behind the issue.”


Try out Possible Alternatives (Philippians 2:3-4)

Don’t try to find “the one right answer.” Develop several possible responses. Weigh alternatives. Be creative. If appropriate and without violating any confidentiality, brainstorm with someone else whose judgment you value.


Consider the Consequences (Galatians 6:7)

Try creating a pros-and- cons sheet for each possible answer. Think about the long-term repercussions of each alternative.


Leave Time for Reflection Before You Act (John 16:13)

Don’t be hasty to arrive at a conclusion. Any difficult decision should have the opportunity to be reflected and prayed upon. Wait for insight. If appropriate and without violating any confidentiality, seek out wise counsel. Sleep and pray on it when possible.

Stand for the Right (John 8:32, 14:6, 17:17)

When you have arrived at what you believe is the best decision, take a stand. Be clear. Be willing to be unpopular. Don’t compromise for expediency’s sake. Remember that this day shall pass, and the short-term pain of a correct but difficult decision will pale beside the long-term peace of mind of doing the right thing.


It goes without saying that the best choices we can make are those rooted in Biblical principles. While it’s easy to write that on paper, we know it is much messier to parse out in the playing field of daily leadership and execution. That’s why thousands of CEOs surround themselves with a group of like-minded peers in C12 Peer Advisory Groups to gain insight and wisdom from other leaders who have been there, learning how to produce real and measure results while making God-honoring decisions.